Time flies by. Or bye bye.
You're going on vacation for four months! Really! You are! Umm. NO, you are not. This is not vacation. This is an adventure. You...
Training Wheels: Heading into Week Two
So, we left off on the last blog rounding the end of week one. Its hard to imagine right now writing this that we have been on the road...
A week (or so) in review: People are Awesome.
Greetings from Mitchell, Oregon. This long past due post is brought to you from Spoke'n Hostel, a sanctuary that has quickly become dear...
A lesson in Flexibility
Do you know what tomorrow is? Do you? 'Cause we do. It was the planned departure day for our Big Journey! Do you know what tomorrow is?...
One week out - Whaaat!
So, let's take a minute to think about this. Did I just say that we are only ONE WEEK AWAY from departing the coast of the Pacific...
Countdown to Departure!
Time is quickly approaching towards our departure date. In fact, Journey Big commences in one month: May 5th, 2017 It seems like just a...
Introductions: Jerry Ziemer - Father, Husband, Adventurer
I journeyed big in my youth and would love to provide that experience for my family. Existing outside of the normal day-to-day life...
Introductions: Jessica Ziemer - Mom, Wife, Adventurer
Aloha! I'm Jess - A mom and wife who loves being part of a family that wants to Journey Big! Thanks to my desire to not always take the...
Introductions: Aden Ziemer (12) Brother, Son, Adventurer
My name is Aden Ziemer and I am 12 years old. I am in the 8th grade at Hana Middle School on the Island of Maui. I really love SPORTS:...
Introductions: Ashby Ziemer (10) Brother, Son, Adventurer
My name is Ashby Ziemer and I am 10 years old. I am in 5th grade at Hana Elementary on the Island of Maui. My favorite subject is P.E....